In light of these brilliant compare and contrast sessions we have throughout the year, I plan to attempt a review project having students create their own WODB for different families of functions.
Here's the plan:
- Groups of 3 or 4
- Big honking whiteboards and classroom set of graphing TI-84s (not a one-to-one school)
- Handouts for notes with simple directions.
- Do a quick little wodb based on shapes. It doesn't really matter--just pick one. The idea here is to prime the pump for compare and contrast ideas.
- In groups, students pick 3 of the five types of families of functions we've looked at this year and create their own wodb for each family of function. Each of the four boxes needs both a graph and an equation. I need to know students can make connections between representations.

14_project_-_families_of_functions_-_which_one_doesnt_belong.docx |