Here's my book's original project idea (to the right). It's not bad... it's just not using matrices as an integral part of the project (that is what the chapter is about). I decided to do my own revision. I took the concept of vertical distance and horizontal distance and ran with it. I had students take three vertical measurements for every horizontal measurement. My thinking was that I could get a size change matrix for vertical and a size change matrix for the horizontal and no matter the measurements, we could predict the image from the preimage. It was just too much to do and I didn't give the students enough direction. After answer the same questions twice for every group and the students still didn't know where to go with it, I collected the students' data and we decided to call the lesson a 'flop' and move on. |
If you make any improvements, I'd love to use them for when I teach the lesson next year.
I've included the lesson in .docx format below.

4_project_-_overhead_projectors.docx |