Big honking whiteboards are a must. Well, I like them at least. This was/is a MARS resource.
Changes for next year. Split both the handout and the slides so Task #2 and #3 are on separate pieces of paper and slides. Homework for each night is to revise solution methods.
We had some great discussions and solution methods about how to find where the point needs to hit the wall. I originally stole this from Fawn Nguyen.
Circles and Triangles Task
This was originally a MARS resource. After using it a couple of times, I cut out a lot of the supports and just hand students this:
Changes for next year:
I would split the above document into two separate documents. I use one task per day. Students finishing early started on the next task and I didn't want that. My reason for not wanting it--I want good classroom discussion and I want students to revise their solution processes. I would assign revising solution methods as homework. |