How It Works.
Every weekday a moderator posts one question on Twitter using the hashtag #NCTMp2a. Throughout the day people respond both to the question and to each other. Although we plan to use the standard Q1/A1 format, this chat is intended less as a call and response and more as a prompt for discussing our craft with other math teachers around the globe--we want to become better teachers and we want to develop a community which will help us get there.
12-28-2015 to 01-01-2016 (p. vii - 6) Preface (p. vii) through Progress and Challenge (p. 6)) 01-04-2016 to 01-08-2016 (p. 7-12) Effective Teaching and Learning (p. 7) 01-11-2016 to 01-15-2016 (p. 12-16) Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning (p. 12) 01-18-2016 to 01-22-2016 (p17-24) Implement tasks that promote Reasoning & Problem Solving 01-25-2016 to 01-29-2016 (p24-29) Use & Connect Mathematical Representations 2/1-2/5 (p29-35) Facilitate Meaningful Mathematical Discourse 2/8-2/12 (p35-41) Pose Purposeful Questions 2/15-2/19 (p42-48) Build Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding 2/22-2/26 (p48-52) Support Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics 2/29-3/4 (p53-57) Elicit and Use Evidence of student Thinking 3/7-3/11 (p59-69) Access and Equity 3/14-3/18 (p70-77) Curriculum 3/21-3/25 (p78-88) Tools and Technology 3/28-4/1 (p89-98) Assessment 4/4-4/8 (p99-108) Professionalism 4/11-4/15 (p109-117) Taking Action |
Weekly Questions.
Invite your Department.
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- Lisa Bejarano (@lisabej_manitou )
- Ryan Dent (@4ryandent )
- Andrew Busch(@abusch38)