Last Spring's 2015 PARCC results for students performing proficient or above:
- Algebra 1 - 93% (our score) / State 30% / district 49%
- Geometry 75% (our score) / State 24% / district 43%
Background: Almost all of our 8th grade students are in an Algebra 1 equivalent or higher. This means our 8th grade students took subject specific tests (Alg1, Geom, etc) rather than the general 8th grade math test. |
For the middle schools in our state with Algebra 1 data available, the average jumps from 30% as a state to 88.6% for 7th graders and 65.3% for 8th graders. That's a huge change. Our score of 93%, though still decent, is not nearly as dramatic as before.
For middle schools in our state with Geometry data available, the increase is similar to before--81.5% proficiency for 8th graders (no scores for 7th graders). All of a sudden our 75% is no longer impressive at all and on the low end of average for middle schools.
The data validates my standing complaint that our white knuckled grip on a "Proof Geometry" course based off the old Moise-Downs means we're no longer aligned to the CCSS and it's going to start negatively affecting our students. I'm not sure I want to bring out our private disagreements into a public forum so I'll table the curriculum discussion for now. I did my best last year to supplement but I just don't know Geometry inside and out like I do an Algebra course. Either I've got to double down on supplementing our text or it's time for a new text. I prefer the latter option.