Or even on the list.
I think I may have lost the list.
This week is exam week. No substantive posts--only grading... and trying to find a place to live. Next week I'm helping lead some professional development for our staff. Again, no substantive posts; I plan to clean out my room and find a place to live. The next week I speak at the Boyne Tech conference. I better have a place to live by then or I'm going to start rocking back and forth and weeping gently into my coffee cup.
Then we move.
Then prepping begins for classes at a new school: Summit Middle School in Boulder. Side note: did you know Colorado schools start in the middle of August? I think it has something to do with the altitude.
Then, if I haven't done so already, I'll write up the neat stuff we did in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 during the last month of school and post it to my tasks list.