5:00am Wake up time. Relish a cup of coffee while spending some time alone reading. Key word: 'alone'.
5:30 The wife leaves for work.
6:00 Get the 3 kids up and dressed.
6:30 Take the said children to day care.
7:20-30 Arrive at work. Spend time responding to emails and crafting my own email to parents regarding our upcoming Brain Bowl tournament (pretty much the same thing as Quiz Bowl but Colorado feels the need to be different).
7:45 Students start trickling into the classroom. Some plop down next to my desk and start chatting me up. Some play with the math manipulatives I've left out for this purpose.
8:05 1st period - Alg1B (Mostly 8th graders)
8:55 2nd period - Alg1B
9:45 Announcements and 10 minute break. The school heads down to the gym as quietly as middle school students can to surprise celebrate a staff members recent award.
10:00 3rd period - Geometry (Mostly 8th graders)
10:55 4th period - Advanced Programming
11:45 Lunch
Today I have office hours. I eat my lunch while helping students who missed class this week.
12:25 5th period - Alg1B
1:20 6th period - Geometry
2:15 7th period.
This is my prep period. Today it gets eaten by a meeting with the local high school's math department. Very frustrating meeting.
3:40 Return to school to find students waiting for help in my room.
4:30 Head home to pick up children.
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Bath time for all children. Children not in the tub get a turn playing on the iPad.
7:30 Head downstairs. Finish up lesson plans for Geometry tomorrow. Start writing this blog post.
8:00 Wife gets home and it's time to turn off the computer. Looks like I won't get around to filling in the details of what we did for class today.