Paul's Letters to the Church
U3L1: Paul's life, Letters, and Theology
U3L2: Galatians
I've mentioned this before but it's worth saying again: when studying a book, it's a good idea to read the book. I've created reading questions for each of the books we'll read together this semester.
U3L3: 1st Corinthians
Please note: we will not formally address the topic of Women in Office until the study on 1st Timothy.
Reading Questions for 1st Corinthians.
U3L4: 1st Timothy
Reading Questions for 1st Timothy
The issue of women in office is a hard one--and one you must address when you read 1st Timothy with high school students. I believe people on both sides of this issue love Jesus and desire to be Biblical. With that said, I have no intention of presenting both sides of the issue. I've looked at all the arguments and I feel zero desire to present the side of the debate with which I strongly disagree.
In class we will deconstruct the argument against women in office from 1 Tim 2 using the video "Women Can't Serve as Senior Pastors Can They?" and the very helpful paper by Steve Robbins "Paul and the New Roman Woman" (below as pdf). Student worksheet for the video
Unit 3 Assessment
As with our unit on the Gospels and Matthew, we've covered way too much ground for an hour test to be a fair assessment of what you've learned. We will write an essay focusing on the major themes in Paul's life and letters.