Chapter 9 - Change Doesn't Always do you Good
AD 1510-1767
Chapter 10 - Talking about some Revolutions
Vocab for chapters 9 and 10
1. Arminian Remonstrance
2. Bartolome de Las Casas 3. Deism 4. Galileo 5. George Whitefield 6. Isaac Newton 7. Jacob Arminius 8. Jesuit Missions |
9. John Bunyan
10. John Smyth 11. John Wesley 12. Jonathan Edwards 13. Methodists 14. Moravians 15. Nickolaus Zizendorf 16. Nicolas Copernicus 17. Oliver Cromwell 18. Pedro Claver |
19. Pietism
20. Puritans 21. Roger Williams 22. Salem Witch Trials 23. Sola Fide 24. Sola Gratia 25. Sola Scriptura 26. Synod of Dordt 27. The Great Awakening 28. TULIP |
Chapter 11 - Optimism has its Limits
Chapters 9 and 10 Review